Elm Catalog update: 1000+ packages and search

At last, my Elm Catalog has crossed the one thousand package mark! There are now 1053 Elm 0.19 packages listed across different categories.

This is actually fewer than the total number of published Elm 0.19 packages (~1200), and that’s because I exclude packages which are not of interest to most people, such as narrow-purpose forks, experiments, deprecated packages, company-specific packages and so on. I try to only keep more generally useful packages in the categories, but you can still find the rest in the Excluded category.

Additionally, I finally got the time to implement an often requested feature: search. On the search tab, you can look for both packages and tools. Both the name and description fields are searched.

To make the search more useful, each of the package/tool cards now also lists all the categories which it appears in, so you can pop into a category and find out what else it contains.

This should make it easier to check whether a package or tool is listed, or to find all packages by a particular author, or to find other packages which are similar to the one you already know about.

Lastly, I’ve added a few tools as well, so there are now 84 tools in the catalog.

If you haven’t used the catalog before, have a look around and see what you can find!

Hopefully this will serve as a useful New Year gift to the Elm community 😀

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