Chat layout
module ChatLayout exposing (..)

import Element exposing (..)
import Element.Background as Background
import Element.Border as Border
import Element.Events exposing (..)
import Element.Font as Font
import Element.Input as Input
import Html exposing (Html)
import Html.Attributes

type alias Message =
    { author : String, time : String, text : String }

main : Html msg
main =
    layout [ width fill, height fill ] <|
        row [ width <| minimum 600 fill, height fill, Font.size 16 ]
            [ channelPanel sampleChannels sampleActiveChannel
            , chatPanel sampleActiveChannel sampleMessages

channelPanel : List String -> String -> Element msg
channelPanel channels activeChannel =
        activeChannelAttrs =
            [ Background.color, Font.bold, Font.color color.white ]

        channelAttrs =
            [ width fill, paddingXY 10 5 ]

        channelEl channel =
                (if channel == activeChannel then
                    activeChannelAttrs ++ channelAttrs

                text ("# " ++ channel)
        [ height fill
        , width <| fillPortion 1
        , paddingXY 0 10
        , scrollbarY
        , Background.color color.darkCharcoal
        , Font.color color.white
    <| channelEl channels

chatPanel : String -> List Message -> Element msg
chatPanel channel messages =
        header =
                [ width fill
                , paddingXY 20 5
                , Border.widthEach { bottom = 2, top = 0, left = 0, right = 0 }
                , Border.color color.lightGrey
                [ el [] <| text <| "#" ++ channel
                , Input.button
                    [ padding 5
                    , alignRight
                    , Border.width 2
                    , Border.rounded 6
                    , Border.color
                    , Background.color color.lightBlue
                    { onPress = Nothing
                    , label = text "Search"

        messageEntry message =
                [ width fill, spacingXY 0 5 ]
                [ row [ spacingXY 10 0 ]
                    [ el [ Font.bold ] <| text, text message.time ]
                , paragraph [] [ text message.text ]

        messagePanel =
            -- Workaround: set min height of 0 to override column sizing to content
            column [ height <| minimum 0 fill, padding 10, spacingXY 0 20, scrollbarY ] <|
       messageEntry messages

        footer =
            el [ alignBottom, padding 20, width fill ] <|
                    [ spacingXY 2 0
                    , width fill
                    , Border.width 2
                    , Border.rounded 6
                    , Border.color
                    [ el
                        [ padding 5
                        , Border.widthEach { right = 2, left = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }
                        , Border.color
                        , Font.bold
                        , mouseOver [ Background.color color.lightBlue ]
                        text " + "
                    , el [ Background.color color.white ] none
    column [ height fill, width <| fillPortion 3 ]
        [ header
        , messagePanel
        , footer

sampleChannels : List String
sampleChannels =
    [ "beginners"
    , "core-coordination"
    , "ellie"
    , "elm-community"
    , "elm-discuss"
    , "elm-format"
    , "elm-markdown"
    , "elm-ui"
    , "general"
    , "jobs"
    , "news-and-links"

sampleActiveChannel : String
sampleActiveChannel =

sampleMessages : List Message
sampleMessages =
    [ { author = "augustin82", time = "6:09AM", text = "@gampleman I think you need to `clip` the `scrollable` element, and that that element should be larger than its parent, which (I think) means that the containing parent should have a fixed width" }
    , { author = "u0421793", time = "6:22AM", text = "I’ve been trying to make a few links on a page in elm and elm-ui but I’ve not found a way to make it work because I haven’t found any examples of elm-ui which incorporate an anchor element" }
    , { author = "augustin82", time = "6:27AM", text = "@u0421793 what are you looking for exactly? do you have an Ellie where you've tried  doing some stuff?" }
    , { author = "icepac", time = "7:53 AM", text = "Anybody replied to @lango About Animation vs Element ?" }
    , { author = "mgriffith", time = "8:00 AM", text = "You can use them together, for sure :smile: You just need to use `Element.htmlAttribute` to render the style attribute." }
    , { author = "duncan", time = "9:32 AM", text = "so ideally, it'd be nice to get the r,g,b,a components from a `Color` so that I could do the string interp (edited)" }
    , { author = "lango", time = "1:23 PM", text = "@mgriffith But that isn't really them 'working together' is it, its more they just happen to be together? For example, `elm-ui` has `background.gradient` but `elm-style-animation` only has `backgroundColor`. It's not clear to me how I could animation `elm-ui`'s `background.gradient` using `elm-animation`?" }
    , { author = "mgriffith", time = "4:28 PM", text = "@lango Oh, yeah I totally agree it isn’t seamless :smile: That’s why I’ve been putting a lot of time towards an API for animation for elm-ui.  But technically `elm-style-animation` and `elm-ui` can work together." }
    , { author = "eniac314", time = "6:49 AM", text = "It seems it it possible to press buttons without the event handler associated being fired when one clicks the thin area along the top border. In this example: it's possible to see the button moving without the counter increasing or decreasing. Is this due to the way I did the styling for the buttons? It seems to be related to the shadow (edited)" }
    , { author = "anthony.deschamps", time = "10:24 AM", text = "What's the most recent version of elm-ui/stylish-elephants that works on 0.18?" }
    , { author = "progger", time = "10:46 AM", text = "I've got some text that I'm laying out in a paragraph, and I want to put a link in there too.  Paragraph put the link on its own line though.  Shouldn't it all flow together?" }
    , { author = "progger", time = "11:22 AM", text = "Ha, I filed an issue about this back in oct.  Used my own workaround!" }

color =
    { blue = rgb255 0x72 0x9F 0xCF
    , darkCharcoal = rgb255 0x2E 0x34 0x36
    , lightBlue = rgb255 0xC5 0xE8 0xF7
    , lightGrey = rgb255 0xE0 0xE0 0xE0
    , white = rgb255 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF
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