Standard representation of colors, encouraging sharing between packages
Provides all colorbrewer colors in elm
A color system built using CAM16 hue and chroma, and L* from L*a*b*.
Adds a String -> Element.Color function for rgb and rgba.
HSLuv implementation in pure Elm
Conversion functions from and to Oklab and Oklch
An Elm native version of chroma.js for color maps, color spaces and operations.
Additional color handling for Elm
Work with the Lospec Palettes API
Material colours to work with rtfeldman/elm-css
🎨 280 handpicked colors in 14 palettes for Elm UI, elm/html and others
Work with colors and generate palettes.
Use the CSS named colors in elm-css
The HSL version of elm-color
Would you like to forget CSS and have fun building UIs with elm-ui instead?
🎁 Get a walkthrough of all elm-ui features and a showcase of elm-ui examples.
🛠 I'm still adding content but you can start learning right now 👇