A generator for type-safe and composable GraphQL in Elm
Zero-configuration Elm app scaffold generator
Generate JSON encoders and decoders from Elm types
Learn how Elm, Parcel, Cypress and Netlify work together. Get started with Elm navigation, routes, remote data and decoder
A tool for creating an Elm project scaffold
Generate Elm code with Elm
Builds JSON decoders and encoders for your Elm types
A visual layout designer that generates elm-ui code
Create a scaffold for an Electron app
Provides interop types between Elm and TypeScript by creating a single source of truth using JSON Type Definitions
Command line tool to auto-generate custom types for Elm with accompanying JSON encoders/decoders from a file of enum definitions
Turn Elm compiler output into modern ES Modules
Generate a static site from a directory of Elm files to showcase code examples
Generate Elm source code automatically from Haskell types
Generate an Elm translation module from JSON language files
Generate code which uses the elm-i18next package to read text values from a source JSON translation object
Bootstrap an Elm SPA with routing, live dev server, elm-test support and build minification
Generate several types of project scaffolds from the command line
A statically typed site generator, written with pure Elm
Automatically generate helper functions for working with records
A code generator and dev server which simplifies SPA development
An experimental Elm-based Elm bootstrapper that can also be plugged into already existing Elm applications
Generate definitions of Elm data types, JSON encoders and decoders automatically derived from Haskell types
Generate Elm code for Tailwind Utilities and Components, with unused code removed by Elm's --optimize
Generate type safe translations for your Elm app
Generate Elm code for type-safe internationalisation based on a JSON specification
Build up Encoders/Decoders with well-defined TypeScript types
Static site generator which allows you to write page layouts and styles in Elm
Building the bridge from Haskell to Elm and back. Define types once, use on both sides and enjoy easy (de)serialisation
Generate Elm types and JSON encoders and decoders from Haskell types
An online tool for converting HTML to elm-html
Convert HTML and SVG to Elm code
Haskell web framework with live reload and support for Elm
Generate an Elm file of environment variables based on a config file
Generates Elm types, JSON decoders, JSON encoders, and Fuzz tests from JSON schema specifications
Generate JSON encoders and decoders from a JSON sample
A set of tools to work with Morphir in Elm
A code generator for Elm API clients based on an OpenAPI definition
Generate elm-css versions of your Tailwind utilities
PostCSS plugin to generate Html.Attributes for using Tailwing in Elm
Generate Elm functions to query your Haskell Servant API
Automatically generate Elm clients for Haskell Servant APIs
Generate all possible record setters from your Elm source files into a single module
Generate Elm modules for Stencil components
Generate Elm modules out of SVG files
A code generator for Elm API clients based on a Swagger definition
Generate Elm modules from different common I18n formats
Would you like to use Elm for real-world projects?
📢 My book
Practical Elm
skips the basics and gets straight into the nuts-and-bolts of building non-trivial apps.
🛠 Things like building out the UI, communicating with servers, parsing JSON, structuring the application as it grows, testing, and so on.